Sunday, April 4, 2010

9:20 pm

I just spent A LOT of time watching beer related videos online. Like, hours. Not that 100% of those hours was beer, but, close enough. And I didn't have a sip of beer during that time.

Something about this seems strange and significant to me. One, it's only possible now, with the internet. Two, I'm watching videos of other people with a drink that I can't smell or taste. Three, these people put videos of themselves talking about this beer because...they're excited about it and want to share? Four, it's lots of weird people who do it and lots of not weird people. Five, I'm pretty sure all my friends would call me a weird person for watching all these videos, but Six, do these peoples' friends think they're weird for POSTING these videos? And Seven, what's so weird about posting and watching these videos?

Oh, I got sidetracked. The weirder part is how it's using this non-tangible medium to explore this entirely tangible thing. So I guess that means it's about much more than its tangible aspects. I guess it isn't about more to most people, but I guess I just think it's interesting that certain things are able to take on all this greater significance to people. But I suppose to be more accurate, the beer isn't taking on the significance, PEOPLE are creating it, they are making it. It's this thing that has these guidelines and traditions behind it, and standards...and people have fun bending and distorting those limitations or working with them. There's something about it that people can really get behind. I mean, yeah, it can get you drunk, which I suppose helps reel people in, but there are a lot of other ways to get drunk, but people aren't uploading videos of Keystone (ok, they probably are doing it ironically).

Hm, I'm not going anywhere with this. I'm just alone and feeling on the verge of significance. That is, on the verge of figuring something out...something I'll find significant, or something that will make me feel significant. But it's too late to go play the drums so I logged onto here.