Thursday, April 2, 2009

questions about "Culture"

I'm trying to decide exactly what culture is. Maybe I should read a book on it, but for now I'm just thinking through what I have observed.

If you can add to, please do. I know very little about this.

My first definition of culture was "that which can thrive without money" For example, very little in Orange County thrives without money.

Ok, beyond that, I'm thinking it is that which exists between ppl, is created by the interactions of ppl, then dictates the actions/behavior of those ppl. It requiers participation to exist, not money.

What controls culture? well, art comes from it but also directs it. it expresses sentiments of the culture, therefore increasing the memes of that aspect of culture.
Art is more important when culture is more important. Ppl look to it for direction, more or less. It won't feed them.

Ok, so, that's my basic premise of thought. Culture is then acting as a form for people to live and act in, like a government. Cultural rules can become very strong (tradition).
Can culture be controlled by a few?
----->Enter Commercialism:
Only that which makes money thrives. All sentiments, actions, thoughts reduced to money. It is a measurable, quantifiable, commodifiable, exportable culture. Money measures the will of the people.
Clear issue: all people have will, not all people have money.

----->Enter Violence:
To increase cultural memes, physically force it, or at least, physically punish those that disagree. Eventually the culture becomes what the strong decide it is.
Clear issue: violence hurts!

--->Enter Art?:
Make art that reflects your cultural ideals and hope people like it. If they do, the ideals will become more common (memes spread).
Clear issue?: not everyone is good at art?

Ok, so, culture eventually develops tradition.
Is this good?
Is it necessary? (or, unavoidable)
And isn't tradition just ideology and hegemony to the max?

In Spain, tradition/culture dictates actions. They work less, drink more(?), smoke more, eat fatty foods, disinfect less, but LIVE LONGER. It seems that the ability to relax and fall back on cultural drives(which don't cost money, and therefore don't need to be worked for) makes them live longer.

Some traditions are bad. Some severely injure (bad pork) or maybe are bad for the Earth/sustainability.

So, when is tradition bad? Commercialism, like in the US, is very adaptive to new information, the latest research (although only if it can make money). Is commercialism the only adaptable social form?

I hope not. I think for the answer, I'm going to have to see how the form of the internet/internet culture could apply to "analog" culture.


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