Friday, February 26, 2010


I've been mostly done with fiction writing. I had stopped looking to it as a medium through which ME. But I'm in a fiction workshop right now, so I've been doing it, writing fiction, and so I've gotten to think about it a lot. And this results in a lot of meta-fiction. I don't go in thinking, "this is gonna be meta-fiction," but instead go in thinking, "ok, this is gonna be a story," and then half-way through I wonder "what am I doing? what have I written?" so I have to go back through it and figure that out, figure out what I've been doing, and what I find there, I make into the story.

Anyway, I wasn't even planning on writing that. I was more interested in where I potentially could go with writing. If writing is a thing I'm interested, I need to figure out where to focus.

Things I think I know for sure:

1. I am mostly interested in tone. A strong narrative voice.
2. I'm not very interested in creating images. I'd much prefer to create a feeling.
3. I hope that if the narrative tone is strong enough, nobody cares about what the setting looks like, they just want to hear what the narrator is saying.
4. Fiction has lots of cool devices, but I'm not sure if I can get behind them like I used to.

This leads me to this conclusion: I'm mostly just interested in narrators. I'm mostly just interested in a voice talking. I kind of resent being expected to have more.

Is this a genre? Is it a columnist? I feel like it's a bit different from columnist, in that columnists have this expectation to...i'm not sure.

I'm a bit sad that I'm not as enthusiastic about literary devices anymore. They were always so much mystery. I'm just much less into decoding now. I really just want to, although I recently watched Mulholland Drive and that was pretty fun to decode...but that's different.

Um. I shall work on this...via...writing more. I'll try and remember that this blog exists, and I'll write in it.

Yeahh. Word.

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